Nutrition Plan

There is nothing more pleasurable than focusing on one's own health and happiness!

We design nutrition plans that fit into your individual life-style and preferences.

Regardless of you train or not, we design nutrition plans that help you reach your goal. However, if you combine your nutrition plan with a personalised training programme, you will get the most out of the effort you put in.

Principles of the nutrition plans we design for you

We design nutrition plans including the subjects below.

  • Macronutrients: Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat
  • Micronutrients: Vitamines, Minerals and Supplements
  • Hydration and Fluid balance During Exercise
  • Performance Nutrition Strategies
  • The Principles of Coaching you
  • Behaviour and Habit Changing Strategies
  • Planning Your Life Style to Stay Top-Motivated
  • Principles of Making your Plans Fit into your Family Life